The Luminary

Humans are social creatures with innate capabilities and learnt behaviour. In between these two emanates an individual’s character which is the foundation of the personality in interaction with the environment. No one is born with pre-determined values or principles we learn as we go through life most especially from the fabricated nature of our environment which is composed of positivity and negativity

A strong and positive character composed of values such as integrity, patience, self discipline through perseverance and diligence is largely indispensable to the greatness and success of an individual. Genuine success cannot be achieved without first, building a noble and unmalleble character because the price and sacrifice that success requires are paid through an uncompromising values and principles

Character building is quite tasking but it’s rewards compensate for the changes required. Forming a unique character starts with imbibing credible values with constant practice     Which requires at least 21 days to master to become an habit and subsequently a personality trait that forms character. The gap between success and excellence is bridged by character. It’s the factor that separates you from the rest and makes you outstanding

Self mastery and power are achieved by people with unquestionable values and principles which gives an edge in your relationship with people and your environment. It’s gives this feeling of being a demi-god and superiority which attracts success into your life. So many people have gone from grass to grace as a result of lack of impeccable character and vice versa. Success is built by character, nutured by character and developed by character. People whose legacies have been forever imprinted on the sand of time have character as the Picasso of their great achievement.

The simplest way of building a character is by having a personal mission statement unique to your personality and the values and principles which you hold in high regard.

Remember values determine behaviour behaviour determines  character while character determines advantages. See you at the top!!

Happy new month in advance friends


Published by victoriouspat

Hi everyone thanks for making time out to read about me. I am an individual passionate about excellence and driven to inspire same in those around me. Most importantly is to impact positively within and around my environment, and leave a lasting legacy that will forever remembered in the course of time

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