The Art Of Choice Making

Man is faced with variety of options in all circumstances, pleasant or unpleasant. These options, hence necessitate the need to make choices. The problem in making choices arises out of multiplicity of interests, the craving for things out of abundance and the difficulty to narrow these interests to that which satisfies the innermost desires to give optimum satisfaction. This phenomenon, Economists call The Forgone Alternative, i.e that which has been sacrificed  in favor or a specific choice.

But the issue of choice making is a rather complex one, as varying factors will have to be taken into consideration. These factors can be categorized into two, there is the external factor and the internal factor. External factor will relate to one’s environment, and how the choice made influences the environment and vice versa, while the internal environment has to do with personal examination, and the satisfaction that such choice brings, i.e fulfillment. The problem with many individuals has to do with the external factor i.e what will people say about what I have decided to do?. Many are very much concerned with the opinion of others, thus creating an unnecessary mental confinement while sidelining the personal gains and joys that could have been derived from their choice, thus bringing about regret and bitterness in the long run.

Aside these two factors mentioned above, another important issue to take into consideration when making a choice, has to be the ‘long term benefits’.  Humans tend to take decisions based on impulses without a deep thought of its pros and cons in the long run. It is pertinent to note that choices we make are capable of creating lasting legacies and also links us in the chain of destiny. Thus choice making on impulse or on the fleeting illusion of the passing moment will have no meaningful impacts on our lives.

The decision to make a choice is as important as the decision to create life. In the complex process of choice making, personal satisfaction and long term benefits must be paramount. If and when you eventually arrive at your decisions, it has to answer two questions first, is this what i really want? and second does it bear any legacy? these two entails a proper examination of the pros and cons which will result in the Nativity of the Choice . The Nativity of choice signifies that the die has been cast, like molding a weapon from fire there is no going back. Nativity signifies a conclusive thought and after which all other roaming possible alternative thoughts should be banished . A total shut down and an unrelenting concentration on the choice made.

Then comes the fear of error or mistakes in the choice made. Life without trials and setbacks is as good as being dead. These trials serves as a test for your drudgery and persistence in the realization of the choice made. Thus adjustments should be made, as you are permitted to change the plan but never the goal. The goal must be fixed and immovable, built into your nervous system, it must be a functional part of your thoughts and actions that no quake, mental, physical or emotional be powerful enough to shred it to pieces.

Arriving at a choice constitutes about 30% of the reality of the choice, hence action is required. Constant efforts of action on the choice made, will bring about the fruition of the choice. Execution must be swift, coordinated and efficient. Turning back on the choice you have made, takes away the energy with which the task could have been achieved. The secret in the Art of Making Choice is simple. The conception of the thoughts that brought about the Nativity of choice are accompanied by waves of energy. With each brick of reason, there is a proportionate quantity of energy that comes with it. the more those bricks are assembled, the more energy is built up. Entertaining distractions chops off in bits the energy that has been gradually built to help you complete the set task or goal.

Thus in the art of decision making, it is important to be prompt, and not to think too much about how it will pan out so as not to lose the energy of execution.

Published by victoriouspat

Hi everyone thanks for making time out to read about me. I am an individual passionate about excellence and driven to inspire same in those around me. Most importantly is to impact positively within and around my environment, and leave a lasting legacy that will forever remembered in the course of time

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