Don’t Kill The Child

Have we ever wondered why most of our most cherished memories seems to be stored in our childhood days? Have we ever been able to reconnect to those days when we smile effortlessly or derive joy in simple little things? How is it possible that a re-occurrence of such events in our older days don’t bring the same ecstasy or happiness?… life as we know is lived in stages and biologically certain changes are bound to occur but at what stage do we lose our ability to reconnect to the inner child?

Nature imposes changes on us physically, while experiences brings about mental and emotional change. The adult stage of life is characterised by independence and autonomy of the individual, a period which requires great persistence in chosen endeavours, with its baggage of pressure from  within and around, coupled with challenges which takes toll on us in various forms ranging from loss of friends, loneliness, boredom and many more. This culminates  into circumstances where we lose touch with the simple pleasures of life, we build a world of isolation around ourselves quite ironical as some don’t even know how to enjoy their own company and these situations in extreme cases often leads to depression in some individuals.

How did man, once filled with boundless joy get to this state of being? This I believe could be attributed to the death of the inner child

Who’s this child you would ask?

This is the child who enjoys his own company, the child whose happiness is not restricted to time, moment or place, it is the child who cares not if no one pays attention to it or not, the child driven by curiosity, the child who runs, stumble, cries gets up and continues running despite being scolded for falling, the child that does not allow circumstances beyond its control determine it’s  actions, the child who speaks to itself  in its own favourite language whether it’s understood by those around or not the child whose joy can never be ceased or taken away. It is this child that keeps the adult body and soul together.

But the sad reality of today’s world is that this child has been killed by the ‘grow up’ mentality where you are told how to live your life according to some ‘matured rules’ thus compromising  the existence of that Joyous child .

It’s never too late to resuscitate the child and let it find its feet in your life.

Have a Blessed Week!




Published by victoriouspat

Hi everyone thanks for making time out to read about me. I am an individual passionate about excellence and driven to inspire same in those around me. Most importantly is to impact positively within and around my environment, and leave a lasting legacy that will forever remembered in the course of time

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