Curbing Depression and Sucide; Meditation and mindfulness

This article, is not an expert piece on depression and sucide, but rather a philosophical view, that could help avert the deterioration of an individual’s state of mind into a depressive state and to prevent the ocurrence of Sucide.

Depression, a state of mind characterized by prolonged state of unhappiness which deprives an individual the ability to enjoy simple pleasures of life has become in very recent times rampant amongst individuals both young and old. There’s no denying the fact, that our society today is riddled with negative competition, unhealthy comparison, lots of external pressures and vices which culminates in mental and emotional stress and if these situations are not properly managed by an individual, depression creeps in and subsequently suicidal thoughts.

A simple yet efficient way of managing mental and emotional stress, is by practicing Meditation. Man’s daily activities soaks up most of his time, but a conscious effort has to be made to include meditation as part of his daily routine no matter how short.

In today’s modern society, there’s being a surge of Yoga classes to help individuals unburden their minds. In fact, Some movements have modeled their religion entirely on mediation and mindfulness. Meditation involves the physical, emotional and mental. It is a private activity that can be done within the confines of where your soul feels most alive, be it a silent room, a long cool walk around nature or even with music whichever works for you. It is a contemplative discourse helps to disconnect the individual from the distractions of everyday life, connecting him/her to a source of truth where answers to the deepest mysteries of life and our troubles emanates.

Practicing meditation and mindfulness helps to build emotional discipline which is necessary for living through the hustle and bustle of life without burdens. Every event that occurs in one’s life is entirely interpreted by the mind and once the mind is not being trained and worked on, those situations will degenerate into unhealthy thoughts that invites depression.

There is a term among the stoics called ‘amor fati’ I.e acceptance of fate. This is a simple term that which teaches individuals to accept situation of things rather than fighting it. It is in acceptance, that answers to most troubling issues come and meditation, a major component helps to build the mind to accept and process issues without attaching unnecessary burdens.

Worry solves nothing, complaints doubles the pain. But through a concious effort to practice meditation and mindfulness and make it part of our daily life we can as individuals help reduce the rate of depression and suicidal thoughts.

There are several other ways of managing depression such as seeking help and speaking out rather than bottling issues. Sucide is never the way out. May God continue to strengthen us all.

Published by victoriouspat

Hi everyone thanks for making time out to read about me. I am an individual passionate about excellence and driven to inspire same in those around me. Most importantly is to impact positively within and around my environment, and leave a lasting legacy that will forever remembered in the course of time

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