Curbing Depression and Sucide; Meditation and mindfulness

This article, is not an expert piece on depression and sucide, but rather a philosophical view, that could help avert the deterioration of an individual’s state of mind into a depressive state and to prevent the ocurrence of Sucide.

Depression, a state of mind characterized by prolonged state of unhappiness which deprives an individual the ability to enjoy simple pleasures of life has become in very recent times rampant amongst individuals both young and old. There’s no denying the fact, that our society today is riddled with negative competition, unhealthy comparison, lots of external pressures and vices which culminates in mental and emotional stress and if these situations are not properly managed by an individual, depression creeps in and subsequently suicidal thoughts.

A simple yet efficient way of managing mental and emotional stress, is by practicing Meditation. Man’s daily activities soaks up most of his time, but a conscious effort has to be made to include meditation as part of his daily routine no matter how short.

In today’s modern society, there’s being a surge of Yoga classes to help individuals unburden their minds. In fact, Some movements have modeled their religion entirely on mediation and mindfulness. Meditation involves the physical, emotional and mental. It is a private activity that can be done within the confines of where your soul feels most alive, be it a silent room, a long cool walk around nature or even with music whichever works for you. It is a contemplative discourse helps to disconnect the individual from the distractions of everyday life, connecting him/her to a source of truth where answers to the deepest mysteries of life and our troubles emanates.

Practicing meditation and mindfulness helps to build emotional discipline which is necessary for living through the hustle and bustle of life without burdens. Every event that occurs in one’s life is entirely interpreted by the mind and once the mind is not being trained and worked on, those situations will degenerate into unhealthy thoughts that invites depression.

There is a term among the stoics called ‘amor fati’ I.e acceptance of fate. This is a simple term that which teaches individuals to accept situation of things rather than fighting it. It is in acceptance, that answers to most troubling issues come and meditation, a major component helps to build the mind to accept and process issues without attaching unnecessary burdens.

Worry solves nothing, complaints doubles the pain. But through a concious effort to practice meditation and mindfulness and make it part of our daily life we can as individuals help reduce the rate of depression and suicidal thoughts.

There are several other ways of managing depression such as seeking help and speaking out rather than bottling issues. Sucide is never the way out. May God continue to strengthen us all.

Don’t Kill The Child

Have we ever wondered why most of our most cherished memories seems to be stored in our childhood days? Have we ever been able to reconnect to those days when we smile effortlessly or derive joy in simple little things? How is it possible that a re-occurrence of such events in our older days don’t bring the same ecstasy or happiness?… life as we know is lived in stages and biologically certain changes are bound to occur but at what stage do we lose our ability to reconnect to the inner child?

Nature imposes changes on us physically, while experiences brings about mental and emotional change. The adult stage of life is characterised by independence and autonomy of the individual, a period which requires great persistence in chosen endeavours, with its baggage of pressure from  within and around, coupled with challenges which takes toll on us in various forms ranging from loss of friends, loneliness, boredom and many more. This culminates  into circumstances where we lose touch with the simple pleasures of life, we build a world of isolation around ourselves quite ironical as some don’t even know how to enjoy their own company and these situations in extreme cases often leads to depression in some individuals.

How did man, once filled with boundless joy get to this state of being? This I believe could be attributed to the death of the inner child

Who’s this child you would ask?

This is the child who enjoys his own company, the child whose happiness is not restricted to time, moment or place, it is the child who cares not if no one pays attention to it or not, the child driven by curiosity, the child who runs, stumble, cries gets up and continues running despite being scolded for falling, the child that does not allow circumstances beyond its control determine it’s  actions, the child who speaks to itself  in its own favourite language whether it’s understood by those around or not the child whose joy can never be ceased or taken away. It is this child that keeps the adult body and soul together.

But the sad reality of today’s world is that this child has been killed by the ‘grow up’ mentality where you are told how to live your life according to some ‘matured rules’ thus compromising  the existence of that Joyous child .

It’s never too late to resuscitate the child and let it find its feet in your life.

Have a Blessed Week!




The Art Of Choice Making

Man is faced with variety of options in all circumstances, pleasant or unpleasant. These options, hence necessitate the need to make choices. The problem in making choices arises out of multiplicity of interests, the craving for things out of abundance and the difficulty to narrow these interests to that which satisfies the innermost desires to give optimum satisfaction. This phenomenon, Economists call The Forgone Alternative, i.e that which has been sacrificed  in favor or a specific choice.

But the issue of choice making is a rather complex one, as varying factors will have to be taken into consideration. These factors can be categorized into two, there is the external factor and the internal factor. External factor will relate to one’s environment, and how the choice made influences the environment and vice versa, while the internal environment has to do with personal examination, and the satisfaction that such choice brings, i.e fulfillment. The problem with many individuals has to do with the external factor i.e what will people say about what I have decided to do?. Many are very much concerned with the opinion of others, thus creating an unnecessary mental confinement while sidelining the personal gains and joys that could have been derived from their choice, thus bringing about regret and bitterness in the long run.

Aside these two factors mentioned above, another important issue to take into consideration when making a choice, has to be the ‘long term benefits’.  Humans tend to take decisions based on impulses without a deep thought of its pros and cons in the long run. It is pertinent to note that choices we make are capable of creating lasting legacies and also links us in the chain of destiny. Thus choice making on impulse or on the fleeting illusion of the passing moment will have no meaningful impacts on our lives.

The decision to make a choice is as important as the decision to create life. In the complex process of choice making, personal satisfaction and long term benefits must be paramount. If and when you eventually arrive at your decisions, it has to answer two questions first, is this what i really want? and second does it bear any legacy? these two entails a proper examination of the pros and cons which will result in the Nativity of the Choice . The Nativity of choice signifies that the die has been cast, like molding a weapon from fire there is no going back. Nativity signifies a conclusive thought and after which all other roaming possible alternative thoughts should be banished . A total shut down and an unrelenting concentration on the choice made.

Then comes the fear of error or mistakes in the choice made. Life without trials and setbacks is as good as being dead. These trials serves as a test for your drudgery and persistence in the realization of the choice made. Thus adjustments should be made, as you are permitted to change the plan but never the goal. The goal must be fixed and immovable, built into your nervous system, it must be a functional part of your thoughts and actions that no quake, mental, physical or emotional be powerful enough to shred it to pieces.

Arriving at a choice constitutes about 30% of the reality of the choice, hence action is required. Constant efforts of action on the choice made, will bring about the fruition of the choice. Execution must be swift, coordinated and efficient. Turning back on the choice you have made, takes away the energy with which the task could have been achieved. The secret in the Art of Making Choice is simple. The conception of the thoughts that brought about the Nativity of choice are accompanied by waves of energy. With each brick of reason, there is a proportionate quantity of energy that comes with it. the more those bricks are assembled, the more energy is built up. Entertaining distractions chops off in bits the energy that has been gradually built to help you complete the set task or goal.

Thus in the art of decision making, it is important to be prompt, and not to think too much about how it will pan out so as not to lose the energy of execution.


The urge, the impulse, the inferno, the disgust, the rage these emotions carries negative power which if not controlled can wreck damages in unimaginable forms inviting regrets that could have been easily avoided.

Man is susceptible to negative emotions ranging from anxiety, aggression, anger and many more which sometimes triggers irrational actions that wrecks our relationship with people. Life is about finding a balance between positive and negative, neutralising the negatives with the positives. For all of these negative emotions patience is the remedy, but that which only a few can master.

No individual is born patient. It is painstakingly learnt and imbibed and any individual who lacks patience will tread on an inevitable path to self destruction. It is like a car without brakes. Am sure that we must have had some experiences where a little drop of patience paid off. Patience is highly required because conflict is inevitable in human interaction, it goes beyond taking time, it’s beyond keeping mute when provoked. It’s involves the ability to hold the torrendeous urge, the ability to keep calm and relaxed and above all the ability to decipher the negative emotions within and transform them into positive ones.

Patience is an essential virtue that diffrentiates god-like individuals from ordinary men. Patience is being able to feel the pain and anger from whoever provokes you, but choosing instead to reply with love and joy…Hard you will say but it is very possible if you are willing. Patience is being in control and being able able to control. It exhibits an aura of calm that cannot be overpowered.

Patience saved the world from the outbreak of a nuclear war during the cold war. It is what differentiates the powerful from the weak. The physiological effects of patience also helps to improve self esteem. So in all you do and no matter how provocative the situation is, keep your cool, breathe, and smile it off. He who cannot control his/her emotions would have the emotions overwhelm them towards the path of destruction.

As François Rabelais said ‘ he that has patience may compass anything’

Have a Beautiful week ahead!



Permit me to start with a little story. Two friends saw an advert by a wildlife conservation institute needing supply of wolves with a six figure monetary reward. Acknowledging the risks, the friends set out for the daunting task. On the fateful day they set out into a jungle in attempts to lay traps and lure the wolves after hours of fruitless pursuits, they dozed off into the night. Just before dawn, one of the Friends began to hear growling sounds on waking up he saw a pack of wolves with fire brewing in their eyes. Filled with fear, he managed to get a stick to tap his friend and on waking up, he screamed WE ARE RICH! Some guts you would say

This is a quite remarkable story because even in the face of death there was Optimism. Optimism is a mental make-up that is required of every individual. It gives the feeling that no matter how rough and tough, there will  always be light at the end of the tunnel.

Life is not a bed of roses and  challenges are bound to crop up  when least expected. When all else seems to have been exhausted, despair lurks  and it begins to eat deep into our soul at this point hope is all that’s left and it’s Optimism that creates hope that something great can still be attained.

Another illustration; back in college I had friends who even before a test is taken,  have put off their minds that no matter how hard they studied their grade won’t show for it. They therefore follow the path of least resistance which results into two scenarios first they decide not to study at all, and  even if they did and took the test no matter how simple their  grades never improve. The mind Is set on the negatives even before the action was undertaken and it’s what to create in your mind you will always get. Pessimism has no value it’s an attitude of defeat which is not expected of champions and those with desires of conquering their environment.

In life no matter how many times you have been defeated in a particular race always still have the hope and faith that it’s not over until you win and all things would work well unto your good. Optimism goes beyond reason it beats logic and Optimism can never come out of being too logical because it sets limitations on what you will be able to achieve. Work with your brain and think with your heart.

Optimism is magic, use it because it’s benefits are unlimited.


Too many a time we take things for granted most especially little things which we count as ordinary. We are accustomed to seeing things as a prerequisite for our existence thus paying little or no attention while still being ignorant of the fact that these little things make the most of our well being. God created each and everyone of us settling us in our  home i.e earth which is a part of a whole universe.

What we fail to understand is that,the universe is made up of some forms of energy which can’t be seen but only felt. One  of the guiding principles of human existence is the principle of give and take which states that you receive what you give out, backed up by the law of attraction  helps to create our desired reality.

In this same vein is the Art of Gratitude. Gratitude in our modern day has been redefined to mean being thankful for ‘Big’ things or ‘Huge’ favours and thus we feel not naturally inclined to be grateful for meagre things because we consider them as normal.

Gratitude Is basically in three phases and each is equally important as the other. The first phase of Gratitude is Gratitude to Life and it’s giver i.e God. It entails cherishing the little things that God has endowed us with and being thankful for being able to partake of it. They are numerous and countless is it the air we breathe? Our eyes that open at day break, smiles that we wear on our faces you could name them on its infinite. Life itself is a gift and perhaps the greatest gift but unfortunately this is what neglect most because we are filled with so many worries which sways us from appreciating the wonderful numerous gifts of God. Only when we avoid mishaps by whiskers do we remember to appreciate what we have and it’s not meant to be so

The second phase of Gratitude is self gratitude. This is deficient in most individuals as some do not even like themselves so how do they appreciate themselves? Self gratitude varies and it’s composed of many things but the ability to say a simple Thank You to oneself is the hidden and most important weapon to live a more meaningful live for ourselves and others. Celebrate your success no matter how little as you would love to celebrate with someone with an elaborate achievement. Learn to appreciate your shortcomings no matter how dampening they may be. Be thankful because the essence of life is gratitude. If you give out a spirit of thanks you open yourself to receiving more greater gifts. Self gratitude helps to boost self esteem and could be the gem needed to move higher in life.

The third phase is gratitude to others. As social beings interaction is an essential part of survival. No man is an island and as such we would from time to require the help of others and when offered we should be enthusiastic  to show a sincere form of appreciation in a dignifiying manner as this gives the person some forms of joy i.e the joy of giving and thus creating a pathway to receive.

Above all the ability to appreciate good and bad, small and great, fair and unfair no matter the circumstances helps to give humanity a more meaningful existence. As individuals also, our sense of gratitude should never cease not just for big occasions but for everything we encounter pleasant or unpleasant as gratitude dissolves all negative emotions and makes life more beautiful.

Always be grateful my Friend.



The Luminary

Humans are social creatures with innate capabilities and learnt behaviour. In between these two emanates an individual’s character which is the foundation of the personality in interaction with the environment. No one is born with pre-determined values or principles we learn as we go through life most especially from the fabricated nature of our environment which is composed of positivity and negativity

A strong and positive character composed of values such as integrity, patience, self discipline through perseverance and diligence is largely indispensable to the greatness and success of an individual. Genuine success cannot be achieved without first, building a noble and unmalleble character because the price and sacrifice that success requires are paid through an uncompromising values and principles

Character building is quite tasking but it’s rewards compensate for the changes required. Forming a unique character starts with imbibing credible values with constant practice     Which requires at least 21 days to master to become an habit and subsequently a personality trait that forms character. The gap between success and excellence is bridged by character. It’s the factor that separates you from the rest and makes you outstanding

Self mastery and power are achieved by people with unquestionable values and principles which gives an edge in your relationship with people and your environment. It’s gives this feeling of being a demi-god and superiority which attracts success into your life. So many people have gone from grass to grace as a result of lack of impeccable character and vice versa. Success is built by character, nutured by character and developed by character. People whose legacies have been forever imprinted on the sand of time have character as the Picasso of their great achievement.

The simplest way of building a character is by having a personal mission statement unique to your personality and the values and principles which you hold in high regard.

Remember values determine behaviour behaviour determines  character while character determines advantages. See you at the top!!

Happy new month in advance friends


It’s A Trap!!!

I will sort them tomorrow, I will send the Mails tomorrow, I will complete the tasks tomorrow, I will call her/him tomorrow, I will start my readings tomorrow etc. It’s endless and it’s always tomorrow never today! Then I ask are there tasks scheduled specifically for tomorrow, what’s about tomorrow that makes it the attractive destination for execution of plans?

What if tomorrow was a deception to deprive us of the opportunities in the present, what if tomorrow was just a fleeting illusion pursued, never to be attained. Have you wondered things you could possibly accomplish if you had the power to make tomorrow today? Let’s cast our minds back to so many things we have lost in the Mythical land of tomorrow. The opportunities lost, visions that died tomorrow, the love lost, successes that Vanished and many more even dreams that died tomorrow. Tomorrow is the greatest waste land in human lives where abundant opportunities have been lost never to be regained.

How do we live our lives do we exist for tomorrow? do we wait for tomorrow before executing our plans? do we relax in anticipation for tomorrow before building our future? What are those things that seem the perfect fit for tomorrow? In reality the answer is NOTHING! An individual ‘s perception of tomorrow determines how far and the number of successes he/her accomplishes in life. Part of the problem of the tomorrow syndrome dwells on procrastination but there is really no need to dwell much on that because I believe we know the negative consequences of procrastination. That aside really it does not take so much to know that what  tomorrow turns out to be is entirely what we make of the present. The realities of tomorrow are created by the actions in the present.

For some individuals, tomorrow is an escape route for the complexities they are not willing to tackle at the moment but what if tomorrow does not turn out the way we hope? Who is to take the blame definitely we ourselves. The more we begin to realise that the real power of the universe lies in the present and not in the future the more greatness the society will achieve

What’s that dream burning in your heart? Who is that special someone you want to reach out to? What’s that idea roaming  within you? What ever it is, it’s  best done NOW! Start now and build on it tomorrow. What ever the FUTURE  holds depends on what you mould it to be TODAY. It has been said the best way to predict the future is to create it and that time is NOW NEVER  TOMORROW !! Stay Blessed.


Vain or Gain

I very well know it’s been a while my writings last graced your screens and as an act of penance I ask for pardon and I hope am forgiven. I welcome you all to the second half of this year and I hope you enjoy my little composition .

The very essence of life is to live and things we decide to make of it. As individuals we crave for things which reflects time and needs. In the first decade of our existence our cravings never went beyond our imagination. But mostly that which we fancied most a kids. The next ten years our desires also change but still within our present fantasies. These initial decades represents the cradle of our life where most decisions where made for us by guardians and parents. But the third decade is a very crucial one which could make or mar our individual destinies, as every decision, thoughts, and actions invariably impacts on the rest of our lives.

During this period we begin to feel the onus of solely deciding for ourselves how the future will be. We look towards a future of prosperity, success, wealth and peace but sometimes with the wrong blueprint which the mediocre society has imposed on youths within the age bracket. This period is largely regarded as a time of exploration and exhibition of youthful fantasies with little or no gain at the end whatsoever. But contrary to this opinion should be the recognition of the fact that these years should be years of sacrifice, dedication relentless commitment to a purpose and a vision. A period where you are willing  to sacrifice the good for the great.

A sacrifice of 8 to 10 years for a life time of prosperity and success cannot be compared with a wasted period of youthful energetic years to live in misery and squalor in later years. Like a great mentor of mine would usually say ‘ pay now and play later or play now and pay later. The choice is exclusively of the individual. Most individuals miss their goals in life because the years for sowing were the years they used for reaping where they never sowed. Nobody wants to live a miserable life but are you willing  to give up the ‘present GOOD for the latter  GREAT?’

Success has it’s own price and there are no discounts on it you give it what it fully requires or you miss out entirely on its benefits. So please note the third decade of your life could make or break you its a 50/50 probability as what ever you spend most of this period of your life doing build traces in your future. You could be successful regardless of what you do but the Law of cause and effect would definitely take its toll and your past youthful deeds will surely rear it’s ugly head then living a life full of regrets. The other choice is to keep your head down, build your empire and live life on your own terms and at your own pace.

As a popular cliché goes drive German, wear Italian, drink scotch, Kiss French and Party Arab. It’s Vain or Gain the choice is yours.




Love Whistles

Love, a myth, illusion, magic, or just a random feeling like every other that is experienced? Is there any definite psychological state that qualifies as love? How sure are we that what we feel is love. You could ask as many individuals as possible, opinions would differ as to what love is. Some would refer to love as a sweet sorrow, some sacrifice, ecstasy, illusion and many more. Everyone desires love of some sort either from family, friends, and most importantly intimacy and affection from the opposite sex. People have gone extremes in search for love without a proper understanding of the dynamics of the passion. To some love has been great, to others fair, while some would skip a breath at the sound of the word love because of the ugly experiences they had.

The cradle ddle of every love affair starts with an endless show of affection, compromise, sacrifice, etc. But with a weak foundation this initial atmosphere of bliss and boom suddenly turns into an atmosphere of gloom and despair. Feelings deteriorate and difficult to resuscitate partners become antagonists and if not properly managed they’ll forever turn against each other. Was the love lost? How sour could things have become? Or probably there was no love all through Could it be that a partner over loved or Vice versa? Is the problem with ‘love’, or the ‘lovers’ who knows???

Behind whatever true love is, is RESPECT, which if lacking love cannot be sustained. Respect is the greatest foundation upon which Love is built. With respect there is a stronger bond that can never be loosened, respect makes the demands of true love easy and enduring because it’s not just the heart, but the will to make things work at whatever cost. Love could fade, respect won’t it rather rekindles the flame of love between the partners. Another issue is the basis of the respect to be given and earned, individual principles and cores would make that easy to sort.

Love is one of life’s most beautiful experiences and it makes people glow and radiant. Genuine love is built and nurtured, it grows daily with affection and never a threat to tranquility. Broken hearts can still love, broken people are still worthy of love, and for those who search for love,it knows your address, it will find you with a GPS.

Happy Valentines Day…Much Love.